Environmental Policy

Linea recognises that in our day-to-day operations we inevitably impact on the environment in several ways and are committed to reduce that impact through continual improvement in our environmental performance.

This is achieved through our Integrated Management System that meets the requirements of BS EN ISO 14001:2015 including aspects specific to the Management Consultancy industry and ensures our business processes are carefully monitored, measured, and controlled to promote a continual improvement in our environmental performance.

Linea provides Business Consultancy & Management services to a variety of public and private sector clients.

This scope is applied for the certification to ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018. Management is committed to ensure that we:

This policy is communicated to all employees and organisations working for or on our behalf.

Employees and other organisations are expected to co-operate and assist in the implementation of this policy, whilst ensuring that their own work, so far as is reasonably practicable, is carried out without risk to themselves, others, or the environment.

Linea fully accepts its responsibility to protect the environment in all its business activities by adopting best practice industry standards and guidelines.

This policy will be reviewed annually by management and where deemed necessary will be amended and re-issued.

Previous versions of this policy will be archived.

This policy statement is available to interested parties, upon reasonable request.

All persons working with or for Linea will receive full support to ensure the Integrated Management System is fully understood, implemented, and maintained throughout.

It is Linea’s responsibility to ensure the Integrated Management System functions correctly and its effectiveness is maintained through monitoring, control, audit and review.



The CEO has the overall and final responsibility for the Environmental Policy with the Environmental Committee in charge of the co-ordination, implementation, and monitoring of the policy throughout the organisation.  The Environmental Policy and Action Plan update will be communicated to all staff and a copy will be displayed on the staff notice board. Each staff member takes responsibility for their own work area.  Copies may be made available to customers on request.  The policy will be reviewed quarterly at Board Meetings and any updates cascaded throughout the company.




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