Symptom & Remedy Define Quality & Efficiency Plan

A regional Urgent Care, Major Trauma and Tertiary Centre located in Merseyside. With an income of c.£330m it serves a population of c.1.5m through a workforce of c.5k staff.


The client wanted to facilitate an event which supported senior managers and clinical leaders to identify and address issues which are preventing efficiency, minimising effectiveness or constraining best practice.

The Theme of the event was “Balancing and maximising Quality, Efficiency & Productivity (QEP)” and focused on the dichotomy in balancing the three key objectives.  It focused on developing themes and initiatives which support the Trust’s Cost Effectiveness Programme.


Key aspects of the event comprised;

Understanding the financial context.

The need for a matrix approach.

Identification & agreement of key themes.

Agreement of priority work streams.

Alignment resource and work streams via multi- displinary teams.

Development of initiatives.

Effective prioritisation of initiatives.

Agreed next steps.

Approval of the governance and monitoring process.


The event was well received and resulted in a wide range of initiatives being developed, which were subsequently incorporated into the Trust’s Cost Effectiveness Programme. This was latterly renamed and branded Quality, Efficiency & Productivity Programme by Linea, who supported the Trust to implement the initiatives and realise the benefits.

We helped maximise efficiency and quality standards, by transferring our expertise and knowledge through a structured event, which supported organisational leaders to challenge convention and develop innovative improvement concepts.

Linea’s  support  has  been  fundamental  in  meeting  NHSI’s  recommendations  &  improving clinical engagement. They provided unparalleled advice, clarity and challenge to the Board & senior management team.” Deputy Chief Executive




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